Friday, August 6, 2010

Video and Pics from my site!

First, check out my post below about the amazing tour I took yesterday of the Heifer International dairy project. It was spectacular! Then, check out a photo album of what I’ve been up to at my site here:

And, check out a !!!VIDEO!!! tour of my home in Malawi. I apologize in advance that some of it is a bit dark – no electricity for lights here in Malawi. But, I think it will help you get a little better sense of what life is like here.


  1. like your blog.

    Janey Vernon at Caswell Family Medical Center told me that you are doing Peace Corp.

    I am one of the new Family Physician's at Caswell. Husband and I are RPCVs from Togo and Burkina. We just went back this summer with our daughter.

    Sounds like you are having a great experience...will try and send some goodies your way if I can get my act together...I remember how great it was to get those packages...and how valuable they were.

    Take care, Anne West

    p.s. we have pictures on facebook as well...just send me a friend request if you like...I try to be more careful with the photo access because of my daughter so have limited the access to family and friends.

  2. Ms. Lane, Thank you for coming to our class today. We enjoyed your presentation about your life in Malawi,Africa. After you left we were able to see the video of your house and really enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing your life with us! Come back to Stoney Creek soon! Miss Dodson's Class
